Morning, day. Every hand of watch is my karma, because time never tends to move by the speed I want it to further.
Every morning to evening time feels stuck, the eager I am to return at my home, slower it passes by, I watch my watch 120 times in 60 minutes and apparently 1080 times in my working hours because I am always awaiting to return.
Today I am bound to a holiday almost after three months of watching my watch for nine hours a day, and I am willing to spend it with my life, my wife and my children.
I came home early, my wife is pretty much aware I will be joining the event with her, and isn't much aware that currently I am already here.
I covered the distance of stairs, escalating a speed no newton will be able to justify in hundred theories, and I opened the door of my bedroom, one door of the double wood, I found Taara sitting on the bed with her feet extended on the bed and a catalogue of what I assume is some home magazine in her hand.
It feels ages and yet tomorrow that I was teaching her how to read, and now she sits here within 14 years of our life together with a magazine in her hand, planning a redesigning of some parts in Haveli.
When she raise her eyes, the darkness of space caught in two orbs watched me with the gleam of stars.
"Oh look, father of my children is here," She said daunting with a smug. She closed of the catalogue when I stepped in keeping it beside her.
"What bed did you select?" I said approaching her by the headboard leaning forward to kiss the smartest brain.
She held my collar between her fingers pulling my face instead closer, lips against lips, and like our life, our love was also a war.
She dropped though within seconds, and pulled back.
There is only so much love one can feel for some, add the infinity in that so much, perhaps that's what I have grown for this ravishing beauty.
Her brain is an entity of a museum amd her beauty an entity of an art gallery.
Everything that celebrates perfection, needs her to be perfect.
"I really think we should hire some designer," She again suggested, there is no doubt in Taara that she is going to only turn whatever she touches in gold. But someone please make her aware of it.
I went around by the the foot side of the bed sitting in the corner, starting to remove my shoes so I can lounge with her while we still have time.
"I think every decision you have made in last 16 years before me have only proven what power of magnificence you hold Taara, starting with your decision to not take the pills. And now we own two next best thing world will ever see,"
"Three..." Taara reminded me, and I nodded of course three. But this example suited with the twins.
"Devrat's potentials go beyond just best. If there is one person I know I put my faith on after you, it's him, that littilest soldier proves he is meant to do things!"
I was beyond confident in Devrat. I hadn't even been this proud of myself the way I have already been on my youngest son.
Taara smiled shrugging about to snatch her foot back because it was straight pointed at me, and before she can, I wrapped my fingers around her foot.
"Why are you on bed though? You are never resting usually?" I asked her.
"Just I felt dizzy after the entire preparation for the grandeur this evening,"
"I have told you, find a reliable person to work for you, how long are you going to bare even the tinest responsibilities yourself?"
She doesn't see why having trust worthy people around who you know you can rely on like Daiwik make life easier.
But again, I most days work twelve and fourteen hours.
I slid my one leg on the bed, faced her sitting watching her, an old memory surfaced in our peaceful distant, "Remember I use to massage your legs while you were pregnant?" The small reminder to an incident of once.
She nodded and tried to take it away again, "And I told you, I don't like it when you do it," I still held them and started to press her soft foot in between my fingers. A sharp inhale from her side while she finally rested.
"Abhiraj," She called me almost the voice sweeter than the halwa she makes for me every year.
And I found her eyes, "I love you, in my life of unjust and injustice if god gave his penance to me? It was in the form of you,"
"I think I can run beyond life Taara, but it will always take a recall from you to mark my halt. And though not for end, only to find your companionship to run further,"
The struck on the one side door leg snatched from my hand while she in one corner sat down hiding her feet in haste and I jumped by the attack on the door and halfway standing the the air on bed, I looked at huge entitle male of ego and blood standing looking at me with a smirk, behind him standing Daiwik.
The smirk in him grew widen watching my and Taara's sudden action deforms, and he started to chuckle in a nasty way,
"I can bet you my patek phillipe £6 million watch Daiwik, they were making out and were about to have sex," Aadheesh just proves himself without his name being taken.
He thinks we bounced further from each other but we were already sitting in distance and planned not to be horny like him.
He went by the plush chair across from the bed and sat down, "I will give you half my inheritance if you let me watch, Abhiraj!"
And mentally reminding myself. He is here.
I took my stand walking towards him, shaking hand and half hugging him when he stood too, "You are here, I told you don't need to come,"
"I need to come, because someone in this room needs better hands to come,"
"Aadheesh, nice to see you too," He directed that filthy statement for Taara, and I am bound to definetely slaughter his head someday. Definitely.
But right now my daughter is too attached to this piece of sex talks.
I gave Daiwik an indication that he should arrange the departure now, and he left almost immediately.
He took a step towards Taara to hug her but I spread my arm across his chest passing him a sarcastic smile of not allowed and Taara shook her head coming forward and hugging him over my hand.
"We missed you, should have brought Rajshri with you," Taara with all honesty spoke and he nodded.
"Yes, but kids didn't have break until summer and leaving them alone always turns into catastrophe,"
We are aware, "Where is my niece?" He asked first.
"She is already attending,"
It would have been an understatement to say he love Tamanna. He travelled all the way from London because my over achieving little soldier was winning award, he was most excited when she told the news to him.
He was everything, beyond and better a family member can be.
When we arrived in the school function, it had already begin. I had personally asked the people of school to rather teach me as an ordinary father and not a special guest like they always did which only made troubles in combination.
Today I dressed casual in Kurta, run my eyes around to see where my childrens were, first my eyes found my daughter standing by the staircase of stage that lead backstage waiting for us, my tranquility and next to her when I stood who was standing by the foot of her staircase, my crisis. Aragya dressed in a black attire of school festival team white logo in the centre, the great social work he only joined because Tamanna was going to be part of it, and he doesn't spare her for even a moment.
Not even a moment.
He saw me first met my eyes and then passed it along down towards Taara, and immediately almost something close to smile appeared on his face.
We were shown seats in front row by some school sir I am guessing.
Once Tamanna disappeared behind back stage, he followed along with her, but soon he was sent back, I had not even tiniest interest in seeing whose being rewarded and awarded for what?
I was waiting my daughters award meanwhile she had disappeared.
Aragya roaming half the semi-circle of the function before coming by the VIP couch guest seat next to his mother and Aadheesh, he stood by Taara, while she asked him to sit down, first he refused but sat down anyway. Only when Taara insisted him to greet Aadheesh who hardly paid attention to him, because in fact they don't blend well.
Aadheesh is mouthy and Aragya doesn't like nonsense, unless he himself is speaking it.
"Why they send you back," Aadheesh being nosy, questioned Aragya.
He grumbled under his breath, "They are right now changing clothes,"
"You walked in your girl mates dressing in dressing room? And I thought you were a boring unhorny teenager,"
Next moment he was passing daggers from eyes on Aadheesh, while I and Taara sat in the middle.
"The only thing I am grateful about that Abhiraj Agnivanshi blood runs in me for is because atleast its not of some forty something year old still horny teenager,"
I had to stifle a laugh.
"That's not a language to use in front of you parents Aragya, and neither a way you should be talking to your uncle, apologise,"
Aragya didn't, "Aragya," Taara said, and next moment a grumbling 'sorry' was spat.
In unison, "Where is Devrat?" I and Taara asked.
"He have a debate going in the other part of the event the results of who won for that competition will also be announced along Tamanna's award,"
Aragya told me,
I stood, by the time unnecessary childrens are dancing on stage and doing drama, I should see my young one. "Where to?" I asked Aragya, who looked up from his leaning on his thigh elbow sitting body.
"There in the main building by the cafeteria," He first explained and then of course realising I neither know where main building is nor the cafeteria. He stood. "I will take you,"
He started to walk with me, I told Taara I am coming and that when the start announcing the awards she must call me.
I walked by in silence next to my own son who appeared like a distant relative whom you struggle to find a topic to talk.
"He will be really happy if he saw that you went to watch his debate," On the odds Aragya started a converstion.
"Did you take part in something apart from school support team?" I asked looking at his t-shirt. He shook his head simply,
"Tamanna was worried you won't show up,"
"That's impossible, she should never be worried about that,"
"12 parents teachers meeting, 5 annual functions by school and 14 times result days,"
Have I missed all that?
He dropped me by the open stage back drop with lights and two sides, two teams standing and sitting while the automated stopwatch was kept by the centre, judges back before me while on the left team was sitting my boy, focused on his flash card.
There was a gasp of parents and some teachers when I arrived, and they immediately started to stand and come to me but I shook my head and asked them to sit by my hand gesture. I guess I know why I missed all those small things. This sudden change of whiff, Devrat noticed and looked at my presence.
The biggest smile my boy had ever shown appeared front. The stopwatch stuck and next group were to come forward and stand. There was some rule calls made, topic introduction given about AI and sustainability while my son was in for against.
And next sound the argument started. He is my son yes, but his wits is everything Taara, "He is brilliant," Aragya commented next to me.
"Yes, I think the smartest among us three,"
With some more than relevant points and end of time, the argument came to an halt, and he ran immediately towards me. "Dad, I didn't think you will come,"
"Why won't I! What a intelligent brain you have,"
"Did you like it?" He asked me, I shook my head in respond.
"Like is a small expression for how proud I am of you! I loved it,"
The blessing wasn't given in one, two but in three ways to me.
Soon Devrat said that even his debate is done now he can leave along with us. Next moment we were there sitting together on the couch. It was final year annual function for Tamanna. Then she will be in higher secondry school.
She had perfect attendance, perfect score straight for ten years and that's why she was to recieve a school's self define award called something all-rounder award. I hardly care as soon as my girl is receiving it.
And before my eyes there her name was recalled amd front she stood with her aware, her certificate and her beyond perfection smile.
One moment she was on stage and second moment she was stepping down the stair and gracefully walking towards us.
I, Aadheesh and Aragya all stood waiting for whom she is to hug and she crossed by to hug her mother.
"Ah, I am so proud of all of you!"
I said half hugging Devrat and looking at Aragya who only briefly match my eyes.
Tamanna started to get acquainted, people distracted, Taara hearing Devrat's story and I sat down with Aragya.
"Even you, Aragya, I am proud of you,"
"I didn't won any award nor was I part of any debate, even being in school team is only because I can't leave Tamanna alone,"
"And that is your biggest achievement, at that firm age in world full of distraction, you stick around and abide by with your family and for your family. In today's time those who learn to live for there family are the people who are biggest achievers compared to any award," I meant every word I said. "Because families are hard to love,"
"Only that what is tough can protect you, be it family,"
I proudly looked at him, meeting eyes with Taara in fleeting glance, who in the longest time finally got to witness a scene where I and Aragya weren't into a war.
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