Sarisha's jokes regarding my age has started to become more reality now that I was hitting 40.
Fear of white hair in between my brown-black hair strands. Usually body was always tight and muscled but my skin has started to soften in completely different sense.
Its not sagging but I can feel texture.
She doesn't taunt me to laugh at the extended extra years I have lived anymore because she somehow have sensed my fear.
I held Sarisha's eyes across the room where my five-year old son was sitting on a stool and learning his table manners by her.
And to my suprise the one who suggested to make him now learn to eat from his own hand.
"And there," She said pushing the spoon in his mouth while she was holding the curve.
She clapped when he did it next time by himself. There was a brief moment of returning eyes on me and she again started to pay attention on him teaching him how to wipe his mouth when he spills.
He is only five, and I have turned forty. By the time he will become a teenager I will be fifty, I will be too old to handle his tantrums, to play with him in fields. I will be beyond a regular age to spend nights awake with you for discussing random things from his life and watching a movie with my family.
Ane by the time he will there across going to college, I will turn of age when I won't be able to remember what college he studies in. And when he will get married I might not be able to stand behind him because my knees and back would have given up on me.
He gulped down his bite and saw me with glittering eyes, "I am full," He suddenly nagged to his mother.
"What, no! You just started eating!" Sarisha complained but Vidhan stepped down from his chair and already started to run.
"Vidhan! Listen to your mom," I said myself but he didn't listen and was outside to play with his ball already.
Emotions of fatherhood have taken over. I slanted my chair backward and stood on my feet almost instantly but Sarisha held onto my hand.
"He had fruits a while back, he must be filled. Let him be," She upset spat before she looked down in Vidhan plate, pouring her own food in his half eaten one.
She was silent, and unsure why, I asked her, "The clock of life is running out on me, and it's you who feels like an old woman nowadays!" I said trying to revive her wits but she narrowed her eyes looking up from the plate.
"Clock of life I am not sure but clock of wits have ran out on you, because that wasn't funny!"
She kept rice in her plate.
"And what is with you? Why are you making habit of waking in morning and going before the mirror to check your hair?" She saw me doing it.
She sighed shaking her head, "I bet with your distorting memory you must have made a ledger of how many hair turned white today!" She finally commented on my age.
I laughed feeling rather home now.
Taking her plate from her hand, and picking a spoon from the table, swaying the rice back forth so they can evenly get mixed with the gravy.
"You are not getting old, I know it!" She said and shook her head, "Because I see you exactly like the thirty-three year old uncle I married. Not a day forward, neither a day back, so stop trying to make yourself old?"
She nagged, I brought the spoon to her lips.
She looked at the food, "Sarisha I know you are upset because me standing before that mirror looking at my hair, also reminds you that someday I will leave this earth before you! You will be left here with Vidhan, behind and alone,"
Next thing I knew was a slam on my face, the spoon filled of rice spilled from my hand while my face turned left.
"That's what you had to say to me? How you are going to grow old and leave me here alone with our son? Mr. Vidyut Daiwar! You knew I was nineteen and you were thirty-three when you married me! You should have done the maths of future before hand! Now I am your responsibility and you can not leave me behind!" A tear slipped down her eyes, before she held my hand and took the spoonful bringing it to her mouth.
This rush of acknowledgement to my growing time have started to make our immature relationship grow into a painfully beautiful marriage.
Sarisha since found about her sister's doing have rather turned complying wife.
She covered the distance before us bringing her chair closer, keeping it down, joining her hands together on the table and looking down at me, her fingers reaching for my cheek, swiping something off next to my lips.
She just wiped her finger on the tissue, and inhaled, I waited for her to say something extremely rooted from the past but instead, she only waited looking down in her plate.
"Aren't you going to feed me rest?" She inquired, and I nodded bringing another spoon to his lips.
She took the bite simply before she continued to sit like a child and wait for me to accumulate another bite.
"So should I start purchasing a vridha ashram room for me?"
I played with her, like I have learned to do always.
"Sure, buy two!" She retorted, "One for yourself and one for your insecurities! Its huge enough to take a room, given its already taking away our marriage!" Her response in wits even when she is showing extreme love is what makes me feel that I am loved afterall.
I stood from my chair, wiping my mouth extending my hand towards her, she took it without no hesitation while I dragged her to walk with me outside towards the back lawn where our little boy was playing, "He is too young, and the the thought scares me,"
"He is not too young, Vidyut! Its you who have aged himself before the time! People are becoming dad in age of forty-five! And you are depressed that you are turning forty while your son is only five!" She nagged to me,
And turning facing me.
"And if you are that worried of him being alone? After you and I are gone,"
"You? No, Sarisha! You are going no where! I am older I will probably greet death first, you must stick around,"
I laughed shaking my head, but she started to chuckle, tip-toeing she kept her sweet nicotine on my lips and pulled back.
There are definetely grahastyakar who must have seen this, but again who haven't witnessed us being in imperable love?
"Are you really that desperate to leave this behind and die?" She intended to her sweetest little kiss! And it was more of an enchanting greed she was taking advantage of.
If this is what I have to live longer for? I plan not to die ever.
I had to hold her, my hand swing in her waist while I hugged her tightly, making her rest her head on my shoulder,
"We have been too far off worried ever since your birthday have come across in the picture of this year! And it's nothing to be, because I know that you are strong, beyond anyone I know off,"
She said pushing suddenly back.
"And I was wondering, if I am coming with you, you should be worried for leaving Vidhan alone, we wouldn't want that, will we?"
She said, her steps started to fumble back.
And that is the invitation I think I will live for forever.
She pivoted and walked further, turning briefly after every step and there she disappeared behind the door.
I had to walk further fast, one look behind Vidhan with her nanny playing the football.
Only after checking he was in complete safety I walked behind Sarisha, found her standing on top of the staircase.
"Are you too old to climb up the stair old man?"
I smirked before crossing two steps at once and reaching her. The hand wrapped around my neck, "Are you too old to get me pregnant again, Old man?"
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