Eminence may my existence be that I am engraved in the history with my marital other half. For leading a marriage of utter failure.
If this man and I am destined to be the book? May I wish to be forever buried in the deepest of libraries, places never to be found. Our marriage wasn't conducted, it was placed. And the thing remained is, that it's still just placed. Something that started with rhythm once is now a broken instrument, that plays the same tune.
"What now, Samaira? What of my actions now haven't served your feet with the satisfaction? Did you ever ask me if I am satisfied in this marriage?" His simple words, Not the compilation of poetic words. Shows, from a man of standard behaviour in Royal family. He is changed into a random commoner.
His misplaced ego on mentioning of nothing from my side. Once again represented itself in an extremely loud echoing tone before me.
Who doesn't know the Rajputs are crumbling? They were made aware the day, King practically bid his unborn daughter to Agnivanshi's disposal, just to withstand this derailing fall of Rajput clan.
But ego wasn't for the fall, ego was, I am withstanding still. My father had died, and with the doing of his own wrongs, my brother passed the ranges of his deed and fell in same gutter as my birth owner, my father. With both men dead in family. I inherited, whatever was left rightful. And its not invisible on faces of two men in this family.
Ahilya leading his own reign in Gujrat and I somewhat Jodhgarh. With Rajput losing its footing in Rajasthan due to democracy and influence of Government. Strikes and strikes of arrow has wavered in chest of two proudly royal man Daharthya and Jasvanthya. And knowing the wives of Royal man have there own thrones, meanwhile they are being dethroned? Its hurts the ego, it puts him in crisis of feeling a lost man.
And arrow are so striking his body, but he has hugged me too tight within, that equally have casted on my chest. He had yelled, and instantly regarded for what I have learned from his expressions to this date. He signed, "Wall am I to you? That you believe throwing this punches at my gut would secure your own misery?" I questioned alarmed,
He shook his head, harshly and ducked his head, "You are not wall Samaira, because walls have pillars. And that you have never been for me?"
"Is it because I haven't offered?" Question, not. Sarcasm. Utter sarcasm, I spoke my remain, because numeral times I have. "I asked you a simple question, why you didn't respond to my query earlier, why you behaved as if I am the thorn in your flower garden? Why it led to satisfactory of anything? My question is, and why you believe so I think you are, when nor am I? Aren't its fragments of breakdowns we are surviving on? Just because I have childrens with you?" Acceptance, was the key to less fights in this arrangement of collateral marriage.
He started to take off his coat, keeping it on chair and sitting down looking at his unpolished dusted with sand and dirt shoes. Its a sign of clutter and never the impeccable man he has portrayed would tolerate it. I took the makeup tissues available from the stand of my dressing and walked my distance, handing him the piece.
Eyes are they, but when he looks at me with them the minute later I offered him the tissue, it's wavered in some sea, he took the tissue and started to rub the shoes, water his soul provided for better polishing when tissue didn't do the good job, Tears But never to show, only to hide. He stood from his chair, throwing away the tissue, once done. Turned towards the door, leaving, one thing he does, "Rajputs wouldn't crumble. I am never to allow," Promise, it is of him to himself for that today he has crumbled a new deform.
"Abhya!" I called, walking half the castle in search, I halted the nanny of childrens, "Where are the children and why are you here?" I asked, rude wasn't my intention, just an outcome of my worry. "Princess Abhyananta is with Bade Hukum," Ekka, I signed, "Eklavya?" I questioned about my son. "He is. . ." She halted, unaware.
"Why are you not with him if you don't know where he is?"
"We were searching him as well, Choti Malkeen," Their subtle excuse, I left eyeing them, nothing left to say only to dispose now. Of them, because they are not doing there job.
I walked, where there is only one place I may find, her. And as expected it was the back lawn near the hut house, where Dharyana was sitting so gracefully and watching in awe, meanwhile, Abhya was standing in the corner and Aayatee was being taught how to fight with her father.
Once nearing, Abhyananta witnessed me and started to run towards me, but closing towards me, she realises my dislike and slowly regain her graceful pace. "Ekvarthya, I have told you not to involve Abhyananta in this little play of yours and Aayatee? She will become manly and lose her grace," I complained.
While Ekvarthya throttled Aayatee with his fingers and rolled her away meanwhile she only pulled on his arm trying to apply her moves of lost cause. "You mean, you are afraid I will make her human?" He questioned and let go when Aayatee was close to breathlessness and fell on floor once flood of lacking air finally refill her chest with coughing and deep inhaling.
"Yes," I didn't deny his sarcasm, and he just laugh, "Look at your daughter Samaira," he said and clasped wrist of Abhyananta, "Just get rid of this clasp," He asked, and Abhyananta looked at me, and started to shake her hand aggressively and cried out to let go but couldn't actually. "See, she can't even defend herself if someone as much only eve-teases her,"
"Well, make sure nobody does," I said and snatched her hand from him and he had to leave her. "Where is your brother?" I asked Abhyananta, still flabbergasted with the attack of Ekvarthya.
She breath heavily, trying to reach the compulsion of normalcy, "He is. . ."
"She asked him where he was going, but he told her off, that you are a woman so behave like one, off to kitchen and cook him some warm meal when he returns like a good sister," Aayatee spoke word on word of my son's discretion. "Oh, also, he ordered me to polish his shoes, and sniff his socks and go die in some lake, when I asked him, to behave with his own sister," I only watched Aayatee in disbelief, "You don't trust me? Ask Daira," She said turned to Daira on bench who first aghasted with the attention on her but nodded anyway.
"Apologies to you Aayatee from him," I formally spat before I looked at Ekvarthya and apologized to him too that his daughter had to hear this from my son. "But where did he go, can someone tell me at least?"
"If our children fall into the line of your concern, he is in Brothel right now!" I walked inside where Daharthya and Jasvanthya were sitting with one woman of class I didn't recognize.
"Which one you are speaking to?" Daharthya asked, neither interested for Raajvanshya or Aaryaman, or Eklavya "Both," I said with all possible respectfully I can. "They went together,"
Man of my ring finger watched in concern though, "Eklavya?" He asked me, "He asked, Abhya to keep her nose out his business and behave like a woman and cook him a meal, meanwhile he told of Aayatee to polish his shoes and smell his socks and dispose herself in some lake,"
"Did he dare say anything to Daira? Because, he is may be Royal blood and this may be a royal castle but it can turn in Royal prison effectively fast,"
"He didn't," I clarified, before Jasvanthya stood and started to stumble himself down the doorway, "Which did he mention?"
I was put through fair things when I took over, starting with the decision what to do with the business of my father, brothels? And I disposed of course, I had to dispose of that place because I have disdain its existence. But that doesn't mean it stiffed existing. It does, and it may long coming of age.
Jasvanthya dispersed with Ekvarthya, and halted behind in concern of returning. He is just 15 and this isn't something that he should be introduced with, born two years later then Abhyananta. On the rarest timeline of me and Jasvanthya truly existing without any fights.
15 Years ago ~
2 years of my returning in this place, and fair share of miseries casted. But from last few week, it's better. The ache is less, knifes are less shoved, words are more spoken, but not to miscommunicate.
He sat across from me, today, on our marriage Anniversary, he asked me out for the special occasion, very firmly in front of everyone on dinner table yesterday, simple question. "After twelve, 2 years is the title of upcoming chapter for us, and I wish to write a romantic poem for that chapter, in a romantic restaurant, her candle light, if you are interested?" So simple.
I fumbled on my glass, and meanwhile, everyone stopped eating and Ekvarthya passed a look to Daharthya, briefly before both of them fell into chaotic laughter. The ritual table of dinner was fallen into a new memory that we would cherish for the upcoming years of my life. "I will translate, he means tomorrow is our anniversary so we should go on a date," Daharthya's clarifications and again, the laughters.
But we don't mind there normalcy despite there jokes on mine and Jasvanthya's extravagances.
He picked the wine glass, drank from it, the tranquility once of balcony I found with him returned on a new balcony of this hotel. "Abhyananta should be sent in an ethics class in future," I mentioned to his earlier concern about her schooling now that she is of age to begin learning in kindergarten. "So start her basics in more profound schools rather than normal," I showed my concern.
"We shouldn't discuss this on our anniversary dinner, Samaira," Deranged act from his side when he fall the question on my lap, "How have this two years been for you?" My red wine glass I shifted in the estrangement. "Lets communicate. Honesty shall I present today, further the upcoming year be more fruitful for us," "Words on what you disliked about me in these two years Samaira? Probably your answer would be everything, but endow me with the details,"
"Your act or assumptions, a wish it is, that speak me your mind and allow me to present mine before you create your assumption,"
"Same my complains for you,"
"No mister, I didn't ask you tell me my faults, you asked me to speak of yours," "Accepted," He nodded. "Fair, ahead?" Questioned,
"You countable frequency in our bedroom,"
"That's because I am afraid of stepping into your privacy,"
"You did that two years ago on that balcony and later in the living room of my father's palace, those I disliked, none after I mind,"
"Noted," He smiled drinking another sip, "2 years and only 1 date, directly on the anniversary, I like dinner outside but I don't mean the royal formal parties," I continued drinking the wine too.
"That I am beginning to like too," He said, and further his hand towards my fingers and disgruntled them with his knuckles. I smiled on his affectionate action. "Your lack of interest in wanting another child?" I questioned and he overlooked my eyes with surprise.
"Lack of interest? I whole heartedly want another child," He said and hustle my hand in his and gave an even bigger smile. "But I would not like them too further age apart from each other, because I don't want him or her to feel Abhyananta as their parent figure. There is this lack of bonding if the age to are too further apart, I love Daharthya undoubtedly, so much. But the age sets some boundaries for me with him that I am never to cross, for example 2 years ago, me asking him for marrying you instead of him deciding it for himself," I breath out, "But only if you as mother would accept this request with all your heart, and physically,"
"Then it's set, we should begin trying for another child?"
Writing after a long time. Please bless me with nice comments.
I felt the update has everything, how the story of them is going right now and about past and how Aaryaman came in this world.
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