Daharthya is a man of power, but I didn't know that was the only thing about him.
Insane he was though, now he was reaching the heights of it, when he could watch the losing footing of the great Rajputs.
He is chaos, he is madness. And just as much I am lover of his suffering, he is lover of my not. Just. . . Because I have the empathy for those who respect me, I somehow manage to feel sad for him.
He is in his aversion sessions, aversion to everything one may say before him. Ideas to the fact that he has ended.
Rajput reign has come to an end.
His aggressive nature was surely a sore sight to my eyes. I like him bitter blue not red.
And the arguments we replay lately, because he is man of utter failure.
One of my new time-pass, struck in this crumbling castle.
My presence on the door, while he was hugging our daughter, Dharyana not Daira for me in the bed, cuddling the five year old with his firm fist on her back, and hers on his chest, keeping her face on his broad ones, mouth half open, while he was looking at ceiling in the worries.
"Pretense of love, at least my father had his clear intentions of factuals before me that I am just his daughter and his instinct are the only thing that makes it that way, not him actually loving my birth." I mumbled on the door, and he didn't turn his face my way, he was the fallen king right now, not my husband.
He closed his eyes, and started to take Daira off his chest and kept her calmly on the pillow before he sat at the edge of her round double bed, he customly made on her demand because she, a five year old saw it on the interiors catalogue.
"Feeding her all this love, so you can feed off her later?" My subtle taunt, and he halted, the head rest halfway, I can feel his stiffening shoulders, I can see the worries and rage on his back blades bones but he continued resting her.
"I bet you can't wait for her to grow up and become of age for you to sell her off to Abhiraj's son, and finally revive your lost reign," He turned around, and watch my eyes.
I am not letting him forget what he has done in just the urgent need six years ago, so that he can satisfy his own feeding ego as king.
One that confirms he is meant to be until the day I die.
I wonder now, "Where is he now? What the promises holds for him, at the point where he has to help you, something that you begun this ruckus in first place for, that you become pimp who made his own daughter bikao?"
I cried out loud, but voice pressed enough that my daughter doesn't awake.
Daharthya's following steps by my neck but him not daring to utter a word, because he is wrong. And he aware of it. His enraged red eyes, but still the stupidest smirk on his face.
"What are you going to get from every stab you are overlaying on me?"
He questioned, now on his feet, there was aggression surely, but he knows when speaking with me, he must through it outside
"You are eating, three meals aren't you? Sleeping bellyful, so do the same, I am not demolished. We are surviving, I am surviving, we are not demolished or fallen," his bitter last, gritted words.
Better face then redness I am use to seeing.
"You are feeding on your factories Daharthya, not your people. And for that reason, you are losing, the hold of Rajputs are dissapearing. And the happiest to see, is always me. Because why must I not enjoy, the end of something you bidded my daughter for the pause?" I shouted, I looked at Dharya on the bed, and I clutched his collar, bull of a man but still dragged him outside.
Maybe because he moved his feet willingly, or maybe I am truly the goddess with all the strength.
We were outside the room, door closed for Dharyana, "Where is he now? Where is the man, why are your people starving Daharthya Rajput!" I said, dragging him from his collar towards the place that he allowed and then opened the door of storeroom.
Empty pantry.
"For five years you fed them your grains, your soul, your humanity, your fatherhood. Now they are hungry again, what will you fed them, your skin?"
"This is why you came in the bedroom," He asked standing, still with his collar in my hand and his eyes reading me closely,
"Yes, so let me help you, let Gujrat help you,"
I asked him, because he knows my taunts, my hate, all withstand for care.
Hopefully he knows. "You bidded your daughter because you were falling and went with your hand upfront to beg a stranger, when I was right here. Ask me Daharthya, I could have withheld the fall on my shoulder and yet kept the Rajputs high," This time I screamed out loud, and I know, if kids are asleep they must have flinched in there sleep with the shout.
He let my wrist away from his collar and pushed me two steps backwards, "Yes, thats what left for me? Live on my woman's crumbs?"
"You have become everything before me, why not a begger? I could have fed you One or two coins from my gold,"
His equal decibel as mine, and here he was nose against with me.
"Don't be too proud and never to step out of your boundaries Ahilya.
You are queen because I made you,"
The laughter broke out from me, "Yes a man who isn't even king anymore?
You lost your title, and I lost your gifted one, along with you Daharthya. Just the fact is, I still am queen, but you are not still a king."
His advanced steps for a moment made me belief so he would raise his hand, but he didn't, only walking out of boundaries with words, "I was the king. I am the king and I will remain to be so. Bow Ahilya, bow!" His voice for a moment made my ears ring.
My eyes shut involuntarily,
I pushed back, and I looked up and down at him, smirked and spat,"A man who can't make the people bow before him, comes home to abuse a weak wife for feeling the title. But I am no weak wife Daharthya. Take your steps back and wait for me to throw the bone so you are fed, or you can just die of hunger, just like your people,"
Banging his storage door at his face, gone.
“I swear on my life Goddess, if my Daira will tell me even once? She doesn't want this? I won't think twice before breaking the pact! And if that boy hurts her? My reign to be damned I will make sure I will destroy the Agnivanshi clan before that."
What to expect from him after this statement is a questionable.
He haven't made me believe anything otherwise of his words that was representation of affection.
Samaira and Jasvanthya have a daughter 7 year old now, very graceful.
Surely another copy of Samaira, but less tormented.
Samaira's eyes drenching stories have made me like Joshil Rajadi for an instance.
But Abhyananta isn't pained.
She sat across on the table, gracefully has ever, passed me a polite smile as she started to consume her evening snacks.
She doesn't talk with me much, as she was always taught I am the Highness, the Queen. The person on highest position after king, so I must be respected always.
And so doesn't she with king, as according to idiotic hierarchy, somehow kings were deemed a step higher then queens.
I mean, men need weapon, woman speak it.
My baby was lying in the cradle next to me, that Raajvanshya was swinging, and looking at Dharyana.
Once done with her snacks, Abhya stepped down and went to Dharyana and started to swing but the moment Raajvanshya looked at her with angry eyes she dropped her hand.
"He looked and you dropped your hand?" I asked her, turning the paper from documents I am reading directly from Gujrat about the spending data.
"Be a real woman, not a falsehood."
"She is a girl, meant to be docile at first," Jinitya said from her seat on the plush chair.
"Says mother of Aayatee?" I chuckled and read further carefully.
"No, Raja Papa I don't want to," She said thomping the next moment, with her uncle and her Raja papa.
Eight year old.
"We will need to see this for more 93 years," because she appeared right when I took her name.
"You won't be there to see all 93 years," Raajvanshya spat from the cradle.
Daharthya fastening steps towards Dharyana's cradle and my inch to taunt him at least once. "First child excited to see his parents death," Daharthya muttered and picked Dharyana.
"Daira, would want me to lives long,"
"Yeah, because thats what she wants, a reminder everyday that this man is the reason I am suffering" I said standing up and taking my Dharyana from his hand who first wanted to pull a fight but eventually let go, I kept her on the floor to stand and she did.
She must, she needs to learn that.
Jasvanthya held her own daughter's hand, "Lets practice before dinner?" He asked Abhyananta.
Lately, Abhyananta attended her first party and since, she have been infatuated with dancing, in two.
So Jasvanthya have taken the role to teach her all form of couple dance, so he can Walt her out other vidaai.
She excitedly jumped and went in the centre of hall, Daharthya looked at Aayatee who was sitting on floor by her mother's foot relying on plush chair. 3 four-seater sofas we have here and two plush chair, in addition few stools.
"No," She instantly denied, "Learn darling, you never know when he will trade you off!"
Music in background while the daughter and father duo of perfection and poetry were already begun, Jasvanthya holding her in arms and running around the pace with his perfect steps.
"Like I will allow him to do that with my daughter." Ekvarthya halfway, Aayatee stood from the floor and ran to Ekvarthya who picked the tall girl in his arms and started to swing her around in dancing steps, faltering and doing all wrong, and they voluntarily disturbed Jasvanthya and Abhya.
I looked at Daharthya who watched me with eyes of begging, and he took her in his own arm and walked her over the same place and he too held her palm in hand and walked like he was dancing.
I hate him for being a father who is trying his best to be a good one. I wish he had sticked to his character of being a worst man, well any man in general is worst, but he held the title high for the same.
He looked at me in middle when Dharya was chuckling to prove me.
Anything for the matter I don't care,
But the sight of him, loving her so passionately, clutching her in his arm, smiling and giggling of both, him calling her, disturbing others.
Everything, so perfect.
Everything I wanted him to be for our daughter.
Daharthya Purshottam Rajput.
Husband he is of mine, father of our children.
He kept her down back in her huge cradle and then turned to me.
"Her laughter is my addiction," He said and faced me.
His smile dissapeared.
But yet he walked over to me near bed's corner.
"At least do your duties," I leaned, and tried to kissed me harshly, but I pulled back and let his face stuck side.
"Dry spell, Ahilya, literally on a dry spell," He nagged, clutching my shoulders and trying again.
"Which side of politics or royalty this time Daharthya?"
I taunted, when he kissed below my neck. He halted, a sudden slid from my thighs and I was back down on bed and he was on the top.
"None, I'll pull out! But at least let me taste you,"
He begged, surely a sight to like, he opened my mouth with a hard grip, and and pushed his tongue to kiss but I didn't reciprocate, nor pushed.
He tried, for quiet few seconds, but initially stopped, not completely just there.
He skidded his fingers on my front chest and then behind my back, unwhirling the knots and pull.
I breath out, when he tried to pull the blouse from my hand, but I didn't adjust to help.
That didn't stop him, he applied little of his unworthy man power and got rid of it.
He was trying to do things, further everything that I am not showing willingness for him to do, from kissing my mouth, to undressing me, going beyond my face skins, to dig deeper to his traces on my divine body.
"Didn't knew goddesses get raped too,"
And he stopped.
"No, Ahilya no."
"Word I want to say Daharthya, word I want to say,"
"I'll stop," He said, "But tell me how far your anger goes. Is two years not enough of your scarce bare minimum attention that too only in form of hate?" He kissed me, on my poker straight face, "Apology I won't ask, for that I am doing no wrong. But I can ask you to stop your anger,"
"You cannot Daharthya, you can't! Because this anger only peaks when it sees you, it goes beyond my control and I wonder which day I might truly lose the control. And kill you because only then I can be satisfied!"
"Then do, kill me Ahilya. Not now, But I, Daharthya Purshottam Rajput give you my promise, that following day my daughter marries, you can kill me at your whatever convenience or inconvenience. I promise you. So forgive me now, to hold your grudges in future!"
The leading word of descanding life, I was left to stutter. Ahilya Rajadi, was.
I laughed, "Who knows, who is going to die among us first? Maybe I will, and my daughter will suffer while you will only think of your advantage. Just like my father."
"No Ahilya. If not by your hand either, I will die first,"
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